Shana Puid (d)
Diplom Gestaltung
Prof. Frank Georg Zebner
Diplom Theory
Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann
26 October 2018
The design is focused on loading air freight. It is therefore a freight transport system consisting of freight containers with an integrated rail system. The rail system simplifies the repositioning of the containers in order to gain faster access to them: individual containers can move along the adjacent rails through integrated rail modules that can travel in different directions. If necessary, the modules can move out and return into their profile. This allows the containers to move horizontally, vertically and diagonally more freely.
The design can also be transferred to the cargo hold of the aircraft, since its walls can be equipped with the same rail system allowing the containers to move along the walls.
The system should provide better and faster access to containers, optimising the loading process, or the loading and unloading of aircraft with airfreight.
2011 bis 2018 Studium an der HfG Offenbach im Bereich Technische Produkte und Produktsysteme
2015 QUT – Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australien
2017 Industriedesign Praktikum – ZIBA Design Company – Portland OR, USA. Mitarbeit im Industriedesign-Team an Projekten für Unternehmen wie TransAct, Aerosol Behr, Starbucks und Tillamook: Kundenmeetings, Brainstorming, Sketch Session, Ideenfindung, Konzeptentwicklung, Recherche, Prototyping, etc.
2013 bis 2015 HfG Offenbach. Tutorin für Projektmanagement im Bereich Technische Produkte und Produktsysteme. Tutorin für die Verwaltung des Materialarchivs
2015 März, Projekt Future Bath – ISH Weltleitmesse für Wasser, Wärme, Klimatechnik und Energie
2016 Auszeichnung Hessischer Staatspreis Universelles Design, Projekt Bad der Zukunft
Kooperationsprojekte an der HfG Offenbach für Bosch, Lufthansa, Spiriant, HEWI, FSB, Keramag, Hansgrohe.